The Authors
The Part Z authors came together to develop a proposal for amendments to the Building Regulations that could be used to mandate the reporting and limiting of carbon emissions.
Across the industry, we are known for our work on key decarbonisation initiatives, and we have authored key publications that are being used to reduce whole life carbon in the built environment.
With thanks to
Ludovica Pototschnig
Ludi is a structural engineer at Arup and an active member of the firm’s Structural Engineering Sustainability Hub. She acts as the backbone for Part Z, keeping the website up to date with statements of support, blogs and news items.
Jane Anderson
Jane is expert in Life Cycle Assessment for the Construction industry. She represents the UK in the development of European and International standards for EPD and Building LCA and acts as a verifier for several European EPD programmes including BRE.
Tom Bunn
Tom is a software specialist at Arup with a background in climate and energy within the construction industry. He specialises in the development of products which help minimise impact of construction assets over their lifecycle and is chartered with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios is an architectural and urban design practice with an international reputation for design quality, for pioneering environmental expertise and a progressive architectural approach.